Impact of Sexual Dysfunction

Sex is a basic human need and integral part of our physical and psychological well-being. When affected by Erectile Dysfunction or Premature Ejaculation, men often experience feelings of inadequacy, frustration, and low self-esteem, and these can ultimately lead to depression or aggressiveness. In intimate relationships, men often withdraw emotionally and physically because of the fear of not being able to satisfy in the bedroom. Partners can misinterpret this behavior and assume that they are no longer sexually desirable, which affects their self-esteem and starts a downward spiral of friction and lack of communication in the relationship. Unfortunately, many failed relationships have sexual incompatibility at the core Sexual inadequacy affects not only intimate relationships, but also those with friends and co-workers. When a man loses his self-confidence he may not find the same pleasure in activities that he used to enjoy. In the workplace, a lack of self-esteem or motivation can significantly change a man’s attitude and affect his productivity, leading to difficulties with his superiors.

While many men attempt to hide their conditions, studies have shown that couples who communicate openly and honestly have the best chance of dealing with the issue effectively. Men often find their partners are just as interested in sexual intimacy as they are themselves, and are willing to lend their support. This makes it easier for couples to do something about the problem, together.

Tips for Talking With Your Partner

  • Be open about your feelings and let your partner know how you are affected.
  • Remain upbeat. Be careful not assign any blame in one direction or the other; instead, discuss what you and your partner want and need, and think about how to achieve these goals.
  • Explore alternative sexual techniques to obtain sexual satisfaction in the interim, while treatment is being sought.
  • Be sure to have an open discussion about obtaining professional medical help and advice. Stress the health and financial priorities of regaining a healthy sex life.

Taking the Appropriate Action

Intimacy is important in every relationship, and communicating about sexual difficulty may be the first steps towards resolving it. In fact, your partner may be waiting for you bring up the subject. Start by scheduling your consultation with Advanced Medical Group, a specialized medical practice that can help couples improve their relationship through the restoration and revitalization of sexual compatibility. Advanced Medical Group can help you achieve a satisfactory sex life.