Get Your Sex Life Back!
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
non-invasive ED & PE treatment with 98% SUCCESS RATE
no downtime & effective results
no downtime & effective results
Get Your Sex Life Back!
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
non-invasive ED & PE treatment with A 98% SUCCESS RATE!
no downtime & effective results
Our Treatment Program has a high success rate (98%) for patients and we stand behind our confidence in our proprietary customized treatment program by offering risk free consultations. If you are not satisfied with the treatment options offered during the initial consultation, we will waive the consultation fee!
Treatment Plan
Instead of a "One-Size-Fits-All" approach, we determine what will work best for YOU.
ViaMAXX™ is a line of customized medical male health enhancement treatments that is tailored to address individual variables such as age, medical conditions and medications.
Guaranteed Results On Your first visit
When You are a patient of RegenMan Medical Group, you don't have to worry about your privacy. Our facility offers our patients complete privacy with 100% private waiting rooms. You will not have to worry about seeing other patients when you visit us.
ViaMAXX™ can Help You Get Your Sex Life Back!
ViaMAXX™ for Erectile Dysfunction
While most often associated with older men, erectile dysfunction is a common problem for men of all ages.
Male sexual performance preferences can vary based on the individual man and the needs of their partners. Treatments to enhance sexual performance in men need to not only address these personal preferences, but also need to address individual variables such as age, medical conditions and medications, penile anatomy and penile blood flow. Commercially available treatment options have a “one size fits all” approach and leave men frustrated with a lack of improvement in their sexual performance. However, customized medicated treatment options are available that factor in all of the above mentioned variables which then lead to significantly better sexual performance for a man. ReGenMan Medical Group is a medical practice that specializes in sexual health and therefore is able to offer a broader range of customized treatment options than what is most commonly available. Advanced Medical Group’s proprietary treatments are collectively known as the ViaMAXX™ Treatment Program.
- Have a strong erection even without sexual arousal allowing you to perform under any situation
- Maintain an erection up to 1-3 hours even after ejaculation
- Increase the girth and length of the penis during intercourse by inducing a full erection
ViaMAXX™ for Premature Ejaculation
PE is ejaculation that occurs in a man and subsequent loss of erection before both partners would like in a sexual encounter.
Premature ejaculation is the inability of having control before ejaculation as opposed to how much time a man can last before climaxing. In younger men, there is usually a sensitivity issue and a psychological anxiety component. In older men, frequency of sexual activity and erections not being as strong as earlier in life could be components. Customized medicated treatment options that evaluate and address all of these variables leads to significantly longer lasting sexual performance for a man. ReGenMan Medical Group is a medical practice that specializes in sexual health and therefore is able to offer a broader range of customized treatment options than what is most commonly available. ReGenMan Medical Group’s proprietary treatments are collectively known as the ViaMAXX™ Treatment Program. ViaMAXX™ will allow a man to:
- Have a strong erection even without sexual arousal allowing you to perform under any situation
- Maintain an erection up to 1-3 hours even after ejaculation
- Increase the girth and length of the penis during intercourse by inducing a full erection

What Our Patients Say about Regenman
These are just a few of our satisfied patients.
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