Non-Surgical Penis Lengthening:


ViaRECT is ReGenMan’s non-invasive treatment designed to naturally lengthen your penis.

ViaRECT is a proprietary treatment that combines innovative regenerative medicine protocols with a home use traction device   By combining the two, results can be significantly enhanced for enlarging  both flaccid and erect penile length and to a lesser degree, penile girth, without risks of surgery or the associated costs.


Many men want to increase the length of their erect penis.  Additionally, men loose penile length and girth as part of the aging process due to a multitude of contributing factors. Increasing erect penile length or regaining prior penis length and girth can be accomplished through our ViaRECT program which is a combination of office based regenerative medicine procedures with home use of a penis traction device. 

Expanding on the  published study by a urologist, ViaRECT uses advanced regenerative medicine protocols to AMPLIFY the physiologic tissue changes that the traction device by itself induces.  The end result is penis enhancement in length and girth in a shorter time and possibly more than by using traction alone. 

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